Certified Life Coach
I’m Anne, and I’m a recovering perfectionist. I’m from Wisconsin and my family owns a cheese factory. No joke - a true cheesehead! I’m a former NYC advertising executive and now live on the beautiful North Fork of Long Island with my family. I love the beauty and charm (and wine!) of the North Fork, and living by the water is a true gift.
I never dreamed I’d be a life coach. When someone who was important to me experienced a terrible tragedy in 2011, I no longer understood the world or my belief system, and felt I had no choice but to re-assess everything. I went on a sort of spiritual journey to find answers and meaning. I devoured information on all kinds of subjects from religion to spirituality, mental health to the afterlife. I started to take more responsibility for my thoughts and emotions, and looking within for the answers versus looking outside of myself or blaming outside circumstances. I loved helping my friends and family consider different ideas and perspectives, too. I was hooked and committed to helping others find more peace, purpose and live happier.
Being a life coach doesn’t mean I don’t lose my patience, get angry, feel sad, experience shame, rage, etc. I’m human, and I experience the full range of emotions like everyone else. But I have many wonderful tools to help myself when I’m in a negativity spiral, and I recognize when I have strayed from my practice because I’m less aligned and less at ease when issues come up. So it’s a daily commitment and each day (or hour, or minute…) I get to assess and re-commit to my self-care practice in order to be my best self for ME and for my family, friends and clients. It takes work, practice, and commitment. I try to be gentle with myself when I get off track, take a deep breath and come back to my inner knowing and the present moment.
I also co-founded NoFo Retreat in 2018 with my friend and yoga instructor, Jess Kelleher. A series of yoga and mindfulness retreats in beautiful North Fork, Long Island settings,
NoFo Retreat brings people together to find a deeper sense of balance, joy, and connection. www.noforetreat.com